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50 Blogging Tasks That Will Improve Your Blog Easily in 2025

Are you doing your blogging tasks daily?


Check out this post and learn about the 50 Blogging Tasks That Will Improve Your Blog Easily.

50 Blogging Tasks That Will Improve Your Blog Easily

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Blogging Tasks

What were you doing 5 minutes before?

Let me guess, nothing related to your blog.


That’s a big problem for us. We all want to improve our blogs but don’t give the necessary time for blogging tasks.

Gear up, no time to waste soldiers.

Let’s get up and running and perform the blogging tasks to improve your blog.

Check All Your Blog Statistics In the Next 5 Minutes

Take time and check all your blog statistics in a few minutes. And then do not check them for the whole day!

Find A Blogging Buddy

Go and ask a friend to help you by reviewing your posts and doing the same for them. This will help you get valuable insight into your posts before you publish them. This will improve your blog posts a lot.

Put Your Blog Up For Review On A Forum

Forums are a great way to get feedback. Ask other members to review your blog.

You will get a lot of useful advice(and traffic) for sure!

Contact A Loyal Reader

Find one guy who comments and participates a lot in discussions and asks for things that you can improve your blog or the kind of questions they would like to ask.

Say Thanks

Say thanks to your readers. Either publish a nice post for them or mail them! And when we are at it, Thank You For Your Time!

Comment On Another Blog In Your Niche

Commenting may not get you loads of traffic but it will surely make you a bit more visible in your niche.

Write Random Things

Freewriting is one of the best ways to get ideas. So go ahead, take a blank paper(or Office document), and write away.

Install A Simple, Distraction-Free Text Editor

There are a lot of distractions around.

Go and get a good distraction-free text writer like OmmWriter. This will improve your blog posts by a big margin!

Start A Notebook To Write Your Ideas

An app or software will do as well but a notebook is one of the best ways to record ideas anytime, anywhere.

I tend to use iA Writer on my iPhone as my phone is always around.

Subscribe To Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan is just amazing when it comes to promotion and content marketing advice. Subscribe to his newsletter, you won’t regret it.

Subscribe To Ben Settle’s Newsletter

Ben Settle’s newsletter is mainly focused on email marketing and there are a lot of tips in there.

Write About Your Hero

Who is your hero?

I don’t know the answer but I know one thing for sure, you know a lot about him. Think of things that can be learned from him about your niche and write!

Get RankMath SEO

I have used many SEO tactics in the past but RankMath SEO is the best tool for it! It makes SEO natural. You write your post without any worries about optimization and optimization in the editing phase.

Check Your Blog’s Loading Time

Go to Pingdom and check how much time your blog takes to load completely.

If it is fast enough, smile! If it is not, move to the next step!

Install W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is one of the best plugins to make your blog load faster. Install it and see the difference.

Check For WordPress And Plugin Updates

New versions of plugins, themes, and WordPress feature many performance improvements.

If your blog is outdated, do install those. You will be amazed at how much a simple update can improve your blog.

Install A Good Security Plugin

There are a lot of hacking attacks going on. And many are targeted specifically at WordPress. iThemes with a good security plugin.

Install An Offline Blog Editor

Offline Blog Editors are great for writing posts without an internet connection.

Get a free one and experience it yourself.

Go Fullscreen

Want to write online? No problem, just press F11 and go full screen in your to limit distractions.

Update Your Most Popular Post

Open Google Analytics(or any other service that you use) and see which is your most popular post. Now update it. Add a big subscription form to get more subscribers, or offer your book!

Set A Goal For Your Blog

Where do you want to be in six months? Write it down on a piece of paper, make a plan, and follow it.

Join A Membership Site

One of the biggest benefits of membership sites is a helpful community. People are willing to help you and you learn a lot from them.

Download XMind

XMind is a great mind-mapping software. Try it to brainstorm ideas!

Find Inspiration

What drives you forward? Spend five minutes thinking about your inspiration for your blog.

Start Learning Touch Typing

Touch typing can help you increase your typing speed a lot. I have just finished learning it and it’s quite a nice way to write more in less time. Start learning here.

Set Your Blog’s Body Font To 16 px

12 pixels was considered the standard font size for content some time back but now 16 is the new 12.

Consider Getting A Mobile Responsive Theme

While mobile theme plugins are nice, responsive themes are the new “thing”.

hey, adapt automatically to different screen sizes and devices. Just open UmapathySekar.com on your mobile device and see.

Remove the “Subscribe” word from your blog

Asking readers to “Subscribe” to your blog posts?

Then consider changing the words to something like “Get updates” or “Join Us”.

Copyblogger tells you why in How To Increase Your Blog Subscription Rate By 254%. And while you are at it, do not forget to get your Blogging Guides!

Study A Top Blog In Your Niche

Open the most popular blog in your industry and study what the owner is doing right. Write down lessons and apply them to your blog.

Join A Stock Image Site

Finding free images for your blog posts takes a lot of time and you may not always find what you want.

Consider joining a stock image site.  Even if you don’t buy anything, the free files available will help you make a good library of images.

Learn HTML and CSS

HTML and CSS are very easy to learn and learning them can save a lot of time.

You can make minor edits yourself and save on designer costs.

Buy A Book About Your Niche

While free books are good, they do not always deliver high quality and organized content. Get a good book about your niche and read it!

Take A Break

It is very easy to work too much and get burned out these days. Avoid this by taking a break from your schedule.

Move Your Blog’s Essential Files To Dropbox

You have many books, plugins, and themes sitting on your hard disk. What if your hard disk crashed? Better to move them to the cloud for easy backup, syncing, and sharing in Dropbox.

Listen to Music

Listen to music to relax your mind.

Move From Feedburner to MailChimp

Feedburner is nice but it does not let you send newsletters.

MailChimp gives you more control over your list, sends beautiful emails, and can track them. And it’s free if your list is less than 2000 members! Sign Up for MailChimp.

Make A One-Sentence Elevator Pitch For Your Blog

What do you answer to “What is your blog about?” Find an answer to this question.

Revise Grammar Rules

While most of us can write and speak easily in English, we do not know the grammar that well. Check for Grammatical errors in your blog post.

Remove a Distracting Widget

Widgets can be quite distracting. Find the one that is least useful to you and your readers and remove it.

Work On Your Next Post’s Headline

The headline is the most important part of your post. Spend five minutes working on a better headline for your next post.

Delete Spam Comments

Clear the Spam comments that you have accumulated overages. Seriously, they serve no purpose and it just takes 2 clicks to clear all of them.

Close Comments On Your Old Posts

You can set WordPress to close comments on old posts via Settings -> Discussion. If you are getting too much spam, this may be the best way to get rid of it.

Make Your Next Post Scannable

Let’s accept it, most of us do not read posts fully. And your readers are doing the same. So better make your next post scannable with proper use of headlines and bullets.

Make A Writing Playlist

Music can help you concentrate on writing. It will also isolate the surrounding noises. Take 5 minutes and make a writing playlist to help you concentrate.

Decide Where And What You Will Write

If you are randomly scattering all your content in different sections of the internet, you are wasting a lot of time. Read Where Should You Put Your Content.

Set Up A Blogroll

You can not stay alone forever. Similarly, you also can not keep your blog isolated. You need to socialize with other bloggers.

And one of the best ways to do it is by setting up a blogroll. Take 5 minutes and set up a blogroll for your blog.

Find Out When You Get Most Traffic

There are some days when traffic is high. Check your analytics to find this time for you and remember it. Next time, publish your important posts at that time.

Make a list of blogs where you comment regularly and make a similar list of guest posts. Use Diigo or similar bookmarking sites.

Join A Niche Social Network

The big social networks are not always the best choice to promote your blog, go and join a network that specifically caters to your niche.

Learn An Attention-Grabbing Technique

Find a quick way to get the attention of your readers, and use that in your next post.

Final Words

That’s all about the blogging tasks that will improve your blog easily.

Do not just sit idle, start working!

Pick one point and do it to improve your blog.

Do not forget to share your tips and experiences in the comments, the best ones will be featured in the post with a link back.

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Umapathy Sekar is a Passionate Blogger and Internet Marketer. He helps newbie bloggers to start and grow their blog. He also shares Blogging tips and Tricks on this blog. You can follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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